template<typename CharType > |
GenericStringRef< CharType > | StringRef (const CharType *str) |
| Mark a character pointer as constant string. More...
template<typename CharType > |
GenericStringRef< CharType > | StringRef (const CharType *str, size_t length) |
| Mark a character pointer as constant string. More...
template<typename CharType > |
GenericStringRef< CharType > | StringRef (const std::basic_string< CharType > &str) |
| Mark a string object as constant string. More...
template<typename Stream > |
void | PutUnsafe (Stream &stream, typename Stream::Ch c) |
| Write character to a stream, presuming buffer is reserved.
const RAPIDJSON_ERROR_CHARTYPE * | GetParseError_En (ParseErrorCode parseErrorCode) |
| Maps error code of parsing into error message. More...
template<> |
void | PutN (FileWriteStream &stream, char c, size_t n) |
| Implement specialized version of PutN() with memset() for better performance.
template<> |
void | PutN (MemoryBuffer &memoryBuffer, char c, size_t n) |
| Implement specialized version of PutN() with memset() for better performance.
template<typename InputStream > |
void | SkipWhitespace (InputStream &is) |
| Skip the JSON white spaces in a stream. More...
const char * | SkipWhitespace (const char *p, const char *end) |
template<> |
void | SkipWhitespace (InsituStringStream &is) |
| Template function specialization for InsituStringStream.
template<> |
void | SkipWhitespace (StringStream &is) |
| Template function specialization for StringStream.
template<> |
void | SkipWhitespace (EncodedInputStream< UTF8<>, MemoryStream > &is) |
template<typename Stream > |
void | PutReserve (Stream &stream, size_t count) |
| Reserve n characters for writing to a stream.
template<typename Stream , typename Ch > |
void | PutN (Stream &stream, Ch c, size_t n) |
| Put N copies of a character to a stream.
template<typename Encoding , typename Allocator > |
void | PutReserve (GenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator > &stream, size_t count) |
template<typename Encoding , typename Allocator > |
void | PutUnsafe (GenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator > &stream, typename Encoding::Ch c) |
template<> |
void | PutN (GenericStringBuffer< UTF8<> > &stream, char c, size_t n) |
| Implement specialized version of PutN() with memset() for better performance.
template<typename T > |
T::ValueType & | CreateValueByPointer (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
T::ValueType & | CreateValueByPointer (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename DocumentType > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | CreateValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N> |
DocumentType::ValueType & | CreateValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N]) |
template<typename T > |
T::ValueType * | GetValueByPointer (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, size_t *unresolvedTokenIndex=0) |
template<typename T > |
const T::ValueType * | GetValueByPointer (const T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, size_t *unresolvedTokenIndex=0) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
T::ValueType * | GetValueByPointer (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], size_t *unresolvedTokenIndex=0) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
const T::ValueType * | GetValueByPointer (const T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], size_t *unresolvedTokenIndex=0) |
template<typename T > |
T::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, const typename T::ValueType &defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T > |
T::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, const typename T::Ch *defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T > |
T::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, const std::basic_string< typename T::Ch > &defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename T2 > |
T::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, T2 defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
T::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename T::ValueType &defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
T::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename T::Ch *defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
T::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], const std::basic_string< typename T::Ch > &defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N, typename T2 > |
T::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], T2 defaultValue, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename DocumentType > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer, const typename DocumentType::ValueType &defaultValue) |
template<typename DocumentType > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer, const typename DocumentType::Ch *defaultValue) |
template<typename DocumentType > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer, const std::basic_string< typename DocumentType::Ch > &defaultValue) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename T2 > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer, T2 defaultValue) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N> |
DocumentType::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename DocumentType::ValueType &defaultValue) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N> |
DocumentType::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename DocumentType::Ch *defaultValue) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N> |
DocumentType::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N], const std::basic_string< typename DocumentType::Ch > &defaultValue) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N, typename T2 > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | GetValueByPointerWithDefault (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N], T2 defaultValue) |
template<typename T > |
T::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, typename T::ValueType &value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T > |
T::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, const typename T::ValueType &value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T > |
T::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, const typename T::Ch *value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T > |
T::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, const std::basic_string< typename T::Ch > &value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename T2 > |
T::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, T2 value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
T::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], typename T::ValueType &value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
T::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename T::ValueType &value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
T::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename T::Ch *value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
T::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], const std::basic_string< typename T::Ch > &value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N, typename T2 > |
T::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], T2 value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename DocumentType > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer, typename DocumentType::ValueType &value) |
template<typename DocumentType > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer, const typename DocumentType::ValueType &value) |
template<typename DocumentType > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer, const typename DocumentType::Ch *value) |
template<typename DocumentType > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer, const std::basic_string< typename DocumentType::Ch > &value) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename T2 > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer, T2 value) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N> |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N], typename DocumentType::ValueType &value) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N> |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename DocumentType::ValueType &value) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N> |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N], const typename DocumentType::Ch *value) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N> |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N], const std::basic_string< typename DocumentType::Ch > &value) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N, typename T2 > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SetValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N], T2 value) |
template<typename T > |
T::ValueType & | SwapValueByPointer (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer, typename T::ValueType &value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
T::ValueType & | SwapValueByPointer (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N], typename T::ValueType &value, typename T::AllocatorType &a) |
template<typename DocumentType > |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SwapValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const GenericPointer< typename DocumentType::ValueType > &pointer, typename DocumentType::ValueType &value) |
template<typename DocumentType , typename CharType , size_t N> |
DocumentType::ValueType & | SwapValueByPointer (DocumentType &document, const CharType(&source)[N], typename DocumentType::ValueType &value) |
template<typename T > |
bool | EraseValueByPointer (T &root, const GenericPointer< typename T::ValueType > &pointer) |
template<typename T , typename CharType , size_t N> |
bool | EraseValueByPointer (T &root, const CharType(&source)[N]) |