b2Vec2 | GetAnchorA () const override |
| Get the anchor point on bodyA in world coordinates. More...
b2Vec2 | GetAnchorB () const override |
| Get the anchor point on bodyB in world coordinates. More...
b2Vec2 | GetReactionForce (float inv_dt) const override |
| Get the reaction force on bodyB at the joint anchor in Newtons. More...
float | GetReactionTorque (float inv_dt) const override |
| Get the reaction torque on bodyB in N*m. More...
const b2Vec2 & | GetLocalAnchorA () const |
| The local anchor point relative to bodyA's origin.
const b2Vec2 & | GetLocalAnchorB () const |
| The local anchor point relative to bodyB's origin.
const b2Vec2 & | GetLocalAxisA () const |
| The local joint axis relative to bodyA.
float | GetReferenceAngle () const |
| Get the reference angle.
float | GetJointTranslation () const |
| Get the current joint translation, usually in meters.
float | GetJointSpeed () const |
| Get the current joint translation speed, usually in meters per second.
bool | IsLimitEnabled () const |
| Is the joint limit enabled?
void | EnableLimit (bool flag) |
| Enable/disable the joint limit.
float | GetLowerLimit () const |
| Get the lower joint limit, usually in meters.
float | GetUpperLimit () const |
| Get the upper joint limit, usually in meters.
void | SetLimits (float lower, float upper) |
| Set the joint limits, usually in meters.
bool | IsMotorEnabled () const |
| Is the joint motor enabled?
void | EnableMotor (bool flag) |
| Enable/disable the joint motor.
void | SetMotorSpeed (float speed) |
| Set the motor speed, usually in meters per second.
float | GetMotorSpeed () const |
| Get the motor speed, usually in meters per second.
void | SetMaxMotorForce (float force) |
| Set the maximum motor force, usually in N.
float | GetMaxMotorForce () const |
float | GetMotorForce (float inv_dt) const |
| Get the current motor force given the inverse time step, usually in N.
void | Dump () override |
| Dump to b2Log. More...
void | Draw (b2Draw *draw) const override |
| Debug draw this joint. More...
b2JointType | GetType () const |
| Get the type of the concrete joint.
b2Body * | GetBodyA () |
| Get the first body attached to this joint.
b2Body * | GetBodyB () |
| Get the second body attached to this joint.
b2Joint * | GetNext () |
| Get the next joint the world joint list.
const b2Joint * | GetNext () const |
b2JointUserData & | GetUserData () |
| Get the user data pointer.
bool | IsEnabled () const |
| Short-cut function to determine if either body is enabled.
bool | GetCollideConnected () const |
virtual void | ShiftOrigin (const b2Vec2 &newOrigin) |
| Shift the origin for any points stored in world coordinates. More...
A prismatic joint. This joint provides one degree of freedom: translation along an axis fixed in bodyA. Relative rotation is prevented. You can use a joint limit to restrict the range of motion and a joint motor to drive the motion or to model joint friction.