XTC is short for X-Windows Test Control and is the graphical user
interface for the Intel(r) Modular Test Architecture
for Linux(tm). XTC was designed for Intel board/system manufacturing and validation.
XTC was developed by Daniel K. Osawa for Intel Corporation's Enterprise Products Group.
LinkCAD is a commercial format-conversion
application for various CAD formats, written using FOX.
Royal Boskalis Westminster nv is an
international service company active in the area of maritime infrastructure.
Its core activities include the construction and maintenance of harbors and
waterways, the creation of land in water, coastal defenses and offshore
services. Boskalis has operations in over 50 countries in five continents.
The company has a large and varied fleet of some 300 vessels. Boskalis has a
turnover of over one billion euro and employs over 3000 people.
The fleet automation within Boskalis has been implemented on networked
workstations running Linux/X11. All User interfaces (operator consoles,
navigation displays, real-time data monitors, data processing and
visualization) are FOX-based.
TMP VisionŽ and SLIM were
designed to meet the demanding needs of engineers analyzing complex FEA models.
For over 16 years, these tools and their predecessors have played an increasingly
important role in the visualization, interpretation and documentation of finite element
Today TMP VisionŽ and SLIM are a key part of the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics FEA
analysis process and have been used in the support of many aircraft programs
including the F-16, F-22, C-5 and Joint Strike Fighter. BAE Systems and Northrop
Grumman are also using these tools as a part of the JSF program.
BRASMAP Sistemas has created software
for Data Acquisition System for Power Generation called
The application of the AQX - Data Acquisition System seeks to meet the needs
of the Control Engineer in performing its duties, in field or laboratory.
It is turned mainly to the application in the area of power generation control,
offering a series of facilities for monitoring, recording and analyses of
magnitudes associated to the equipment and control system.
It allows to establish an efficient work cycle to perform tests and studies.
Lennox Antoine
has written a Scene Graph Navigator. It features:
- Supports over 20+ raster and vector formats.
- Supports near infinite size rasters/heightmaps.
- Spherical/Ortho/Perspective(first person) rendering styles built in.
- Accuracy. Every thing is accurate. Approaching from outer space down to
meter/feet range goes unnoticeable and seamlessly. Rasters are also
draped onto terrain accurately (not stretched) no matter what size the
terrain is.
- Completely cross platform. From the GUI (thanks to FOX) to the
scenegraph workings, it should work on any platform out there.
- Advanced Raster Support. Rasters can be drawn on in realtime or
re-used for other things.
- Powerful WYSIWYG editing approach. Almost everything is editable in
a nice user friendly way.
- Procedural full detail buildings. No longer just a wall with a texture
on it. Balconies, extremeties, windows, etc... are all rendered as well.
Arachno Ruby/Python/PHP IDE
This is a complete IDE for the three languages, that is has special
features for developing web based applications like automatic setup of
an isolated webserver,application server environment. It has more then
100 dialog windows (most of them for editing HTML targets) and uses
FOX via an Eiffel wrapper.
VORHour is a timecard/hour registration program
developed and used by VORtech.
It is written using FOX and is connected via ODBC to a local MySQL Database.
While at CFD Research Corp.,
the author worked on CFD-VIEW,
a visualization and postprocessing package for Computational Fluid Dynamics
The picture shows a streamline rake over a multi-zone, tetrahedral unstructured
mesh of our favorite mascot, Tux.
CFD Research Corp. offers a number of
software packages for Computational Fluid Dynamics, Micro-Electro-Mechanical
Systems [MEMS], Semi Conductor Processing, Bio-Medical applications, and other
engineering applications.
The Side-by-Side Viewer is a tool developed by AcuSoft
to allow easy exploration and examination of SEDRIS transmittals, as well as other
formats, such as:
- OpenFlight (FLT)
- Performer Binary (PFB)
- Compact Terrain Database (CTDB)
- Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED)
Side-by-Side also has the capability of displaying multiple databases
simultaneously, simplifying the process of finding discrepancies amongst
different formats of the same database.
For more screenshots see: http://www.acusoft.com/products/sbs/gallery.html
CIMPLEST CAPE Workbench is a commercial
application developed by Cimplest Inc. to support
Computer Aided Production Engineering (CAPE).
This application provides an easy to use graphical environment within which
a production engineer can rapidly develop models of manufacturing systems. The
following design and analysis activities are supported: materials requirements analysis,
work load analysis, optimal resource capacity allocation, dynamic lead time analysis,
production/part cost analysis, production scheduling, standard work design,
facilities layout design, process similarity analysis (group technology). Add-on
modules provide additional capabilities: the Performance Explorer module adds
Design of Experiments (DOE) capabilities for parameter sensitivity analysis;
the Performance Optimizer module adds Simulated Annealing (SA) based lead
time and production cost optimization capabilities; the ODBC Data Access module provides the
capability to create user defined scripts for accessing enterprise data sources; and
the WebDAV module provides the capability to publish and share Cimplest models in a
secure and distributed fashion.
The upcoming Apache web server module mod_cimplest will enable
Cimplest models developed within the workbench application to be updated with
data feeds from shop floor monitoring systems and will target real time scheduling
and supply chain integration efforts.